Coupling transmission / Shaft Couplings

Coupling transmission / Shaft couplings are crucial components in mechanical systems, connecting two shafts to transmit torque from an energy source to a driven device. These couplings not only ensure accurate alignment between shafts but also have the ability to absorb vibrations and compensate for minor shaft misalignments during operation.
Coupling transmission products are widely used in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and energy, aiming to increase system durability, reduce wear, and optimize operational efficiency.
Coupling transmission includes various types such as rigid couplings, flexible couplings, hydraulic couplings, encoder couplings, servo couplings, chain couplings, gear couplings, spring couplings, rigid shaft couplings, flexible shaft couplings, etc. These products meet various technical requirements, helping to maintain the stability and efficiency of the drive system.
When it comes to these products, prominent brands with many years of experience include Ringfeder Germany, KTR Germany, Cross Morse UK, Westcar Italy, PTI Korea, and Rathi Lovejoy India