Lưu trữ: Exhibition products

Beca Smart Factory

Beca Smart Factory: Beca Smart Factory application is developed from Beca Smart City platform based on the ANSI/ISA-95 standard, abbreviated as ISA-95, a standard of the International Association of Automation. This is a standard model for linking information throughout the…

Beca Smart City

Intending to fully master core technology solutions to create initiative and optimize costs, VNTT’s engineering team has focused on developing the Beca Smart City platform with a structure of technology platforms such as BecaIOT – an internet connection platform for…

Smart Factory – MES(Manufacturing Execution System) – CAP( Real Time Monitoring On Facilities) / – POP(Point of Production) – WMS(Warehouse Management System) Factory Automation – Robot, AGV/AMR, Auto Loader(Feeder)

*CAP – G-CAP is a smart factory system that applies basic data communication to ICT & IIoT’s latest technology, and provides information for managing production status, establishing production plans, and preserving facility forecasts through collecting ethers for real-time production facility…